Swallowfield Local History Society
Our next meeting is onTHURSDAY 19th September 2024Our next meeting will be on the 19th September. is "Honey". The talk will be given by Adrian Doyle,Our honey is brought to you by father and son beekeepers Chris & Adrian Doyle. Our bees collect its pollen and Nectar from the blossoms and Hedgerows surrounding Hillside House in Great Shefford situated deep in the Lambourn Valley. Our primary concern is our bees and we have worked through the year in helping our bees along the way and trying to make sure they are safe and sound from the numerous threats that this modern world presents to this beautiful and complex animal. Our payment for this work is the excess honey that the bees do not require.WE MEET IN THE ROSE ROOM AT THE PARISH HALL 7.30 pm for 8 pmEveryone will be most welcome. Do check our web site for further information: www.slhsoc.org.uk.