Swallowfield Local History Society
This Months MeetingTHURSDAY 21st March 2024 The next meeting will be our AGM. We will be presenting our programme of talks for the coming year. These talks and visits will be of interest to our members, and people who would like to find out about more the history of the villages of Swallowfield, Farley Hill and Riseley. Our archives will be available to view. There will also be Wine and Nibbles for refreshments, Do come and join usOur meetings are usually on the third Thursday of the month at 7.45pm for 8pm, in the Rose Room at Swallowfield Parish Hall. Visitors are always welcome. If you have any queries, please call our Secretary, Maggie Uttley, on 0118 988 2954 or email her on kcuttley@aol.com. Visit our website, www.slhsoc.org.uk, for our full programme.