Swallowfield Local History Society
December News Letter
Welcome to the December 2019 News Letter
Our November wa a presentation given by Ken Hussey on Mary Russell-Mitford. Ken gave, once again, given us an evening full of interesting information, anecdotes and stories about a
person in history who has engrossed him for many years . Her Life and times. Sincere thanks to Mike Round who assisted Ken in the development of the presentation – Ken’s vast postcard collection is a mine of information and interest.
We have no speakers for the months of December(too near to Christmas) and January when we will be at The Mill House enjoying our New Year’s Dinner.
On February 20th we are delighted that Thomas Macey will join us to talk about the iconic store
Jacksons, in Reading – Rose Room, Swallowfield Parish Hall, 7.45pm for 8pm – visitors welcome.
If you have any queries, please call our Secretary, Maggie Uttley, on 0118 988 2954 or email her on kcuttley@aol.com.
Visit our website, www.slhsoc.org.uk, for our full programme
Mike Round
Swallowfield Local History Society
Ken Hussey (Chairman) on 0118 988 3650